Revegetation 2024-12-12T02:20:37+00:00


The Parangarahu Lakes and surrounding landscape were returned to the Regional Park in 2004 following the cessation of a grazing licence to a local farmer.  The area was to be allowed to regenerate naturally. However the land surrounding the Lakes has been so comprehensively modified by Māori settlement and European farming, very little indigenous vegetation remains and there is no close seed source to drive this regeneration.  

Greater Wellington commissioned a plan from the ecologist Geoff Park who recommended a strategy of assisted restoration to encourage a speedier rate of return to a native forest and scrub cover than would occur without assistance. He proposed the planting of fenced plots, which would exclude stock, goats and hares. Firstly, hardy pioneers would be planted and subsequently secondary canopy trees, as canopy closure is achieved. Trees are nearly all sourced from MIRO’s Gracefield Tree Nursery 

The first plot was established in winter 2007 near Lake Kohangapiripiri, and plots continue to be added annually. Initial plantings were made of 800–1000 trees in each plot and these were infilled as required.  As these trees flower and fruit, birds spread the seed into the surrounding landscape of gorse and manuka/kanuka scrub speeding up the natural process of regeneration.  

Starting in 2022, experimental planting has started outside the fenced plots using weed mats and plant protectors. This method has now been expanded to include secondary tree species which have been planted amongst vegetation that is naturally growing. Planting in plots has continued but plots are now larger than before with temporary fencing that can be moved to expand areas of planting. This allows the planting of more plants (4,000 in 2023) as part of national climate change mitigation efforts. 

Apart from MIRO and Greater Wellington, support for the plantings comes from Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika and a Jobs for Nature Programme called Hem of Remutaka. 

Plot 1 2007

Plot 1 2023